September is Suicide Prevention Month.
We need to speak up about MENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, and SUICIDE not only this month, but every month.
Take a moment to check in on loved ones today. Be kind. Try your best to listen, be non-judgmental and offer empathy. Encourage your friends and family
to learn warning signs and risk factors for suicide: hopelessness, uncontrolled anger, increased alcohol or drug use, withdrawal from friends, family &
society, agitation and inability to sleep, or sleeping all the time, as well as dramatic mood changes; just to name a few.
You are so much more than your darkness ever wants you to be.
#youarenotalone #stigmafree @800273talk
a sweet seduction
less concrete
a cold eruption
hot release
no words to numb
the pain to be
no explanation
sane to speak
just one more beat
last one to breathe
two steps too steep
to free this feeling
please do not grieve
the loss of me
for time has worn
this body bleak
and it’s been seasons
since i fled
this hollow shell
an empty bed
a world too harsh
for what I need
of artifice
and gnawing greed
i’ve weighed my options
said my piece
so lay me down now
let me bleed.
article written by kristine, poetry by cass, painting by ailis
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