The Art of Celebration

It can be supposed that post Thanksgiving-Christmas-AndNewYears, the song of the soul will come to a halt. It can be thought that all the fun is finished, and that the celebrations will cease to exist. Perhaps this is true for some, and perhaps this has been too true for this little lass in the past. This year will be different. This year already is different. Can you feel it? That’s the magic in the air. Something has caught wind and is lifting the fallen hearts back up to the snug warmth of their homes. This year is the first year of the rest of our lives.
Celebration. Let’s look that word up in the dictionary, shall we? Google says celebration is ‘the action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social, activity.’
“the birth of his son was a cause for celebration”
Important. What is important? Time for a little more goo-googling. Simon… I mean Google says the definition of important is ‘of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being.’
“important habitats for wildlife”
Okay. So, in order to celebrate we must identify and name our excitement of a valuable, significant moment in time that will likely lead to a richer, happier, healthier, and sexier outcome of us. Ish? Oh, and we must mark this with a party. Right.
What if we don’t want to wait for a moment, but see life as a string of events, of a rainbow of fairy lights lined up in prayer of bliss one after another, one informing the other. What if we could celebrate the whole thing, every moment, every light, every chance, each divine day.
‘What if?’
are such words with a the scent of the new,
and the power that comes with their grace;
what if are the words tied together by few,
and the birth of all places;
‘What if?’
My jaded self would be currently dismally depressed. I would be weeping as I took down the Christmas tree, glaring at others who were doing the same, bitching as I boxed up the ornaments, and corralling all cheer out of frame.
New me (actually old me, true me, me-without-layers-of-debris me), however, sees things differently, and more than just a tad.
I simply cannot wait for next year to be happy. I simply cannot. I must enjoy and relish each delicious day with decadence, with pleasure, with ekstasis, with celebration.
What is the ulterior option?
Next up is Valentine’s Day, and I am going to begin decorating tomorrow. After that is Easter, and in between are a sequence of diamonds in the rough, just waiting and wishing to be noticed, to be loved, to be worn. By you, my dear darling. By you.
May you lavish and lap up the love that is life.
Write us your Celebrations, we await your Adorations.
written by cassidy