I’m left wasted.
I want to stay stop, but my body won’t oblige.
I’m milking you. Sweet honey syrup on my tongue from where you left.
I need to let you go, let it go, let the figment fall away. I need to fly free away from the barricades of this birdcage.
These wires encase my chest, engulf my mind, and trap my soul. With you I cannot think. My mind is an oasis of an infinite bone white.
Not a word runs through the blank and airy vastness that is held within the walls that make up my blind and bleary skull.
I fall into you, I fall out of me.
I float weightless, unaware, and unattached to that which I once knew.
I let my standards slip, I forget for what those standards stood.
I miss you.
I claw with desperation at the faintest notion we could work. Pretend the things you said were merely games you played, and you’re not really such a jerk.
I want just so much more, and I am here to say that you’ll be damned if you can’t see my worth.
The feline flicks our tongues collide and wander through the caves within the midst.
We drink the poison from the well that never loses time or space and keeps a steady drip.
Our bodies bare, we’ve taken share in lust, and love has cast its curse.
We fall as victims now to what we can’t control and what consumes us in its thirst.
But you’ll be damned and I’ll be gone by morning come if you can’t see my God Damn Fucking worth.
written by cassidy