March Horoscopes are here! Enjoy your readings by our lovely Elysse!
This coming month is going to require a lot of introspection, Aries! You’ll be feeling extra intuitive without much help for it, so slow down a little and take the time to feel out what your subconscious is trying to show you. It’s a great time to learn from yourself, and maybe shake off a few old skeletons we’ve been holding onto too long; they’ve served their purpose. Your self worth is only ever up to you at the end of the day.
How is your presence in the world doing lately, Taurus? Are you feeling out the heart of your community? Experiencing other worlds through your farther distant friends? Your committment and loyalty can sometimes reach to global lengths, but remember that no matter how far you go, you always have your own soul to fall back onto. You’re becoming a new individual right now, Taureans, and sometimes breaking out of that shell can be a bit of a harrowing process; your heart is your soul, and your soul is your home. Keep that close to you.
Are you still hung up on a partner, Gemini? Not necessarily romantic, but seeking your other half in friendship, partners, siblings? There’s a whole world out there full of souls you’ve never met yet, and sometimes all it takes is opening up to the potential that maybe who you already know is just that. Looking inward can reveal a number of long hidden secrets for this riddle; you draw to you, who YOU are. If you are tired of those you continually surround yourself with, perhaps redefine who it is your own person is.
You’re really aware of how your presence in the world affects you lately, aren’t you Cancer? Perhaps you’ve been feeling your sense of value and worth have been all over the place, with everyone telling you who and what you are. Those are just projections of someone else’s perspective though, and while it can be useful to know how others are percieving you, at the end of the day you must make the decision of who you are going to be. How you choose to interact with people, how you respond instead of react, can be the make or break for this transitional period for you.
My dear kings and queens; be sure you are spending some time on your own these weeks; you may feel like flourishing on the stage of life (and successfully to boot!) but remember that every star has it’s down time, hidden from the crowd for a few precious hours at a time. Rest and recouperation are key to upholding a strong presence in the world. And only you know your inner workings at the end of the day. Make sure if that you’re treasuring those closest to you, those who pamper you when you’re done shining your light upon the world. Share your personal world with those that recharge your solar glow.
Dearest Virgo; are you sharing the workload with those you trust? Or are you handing off delegations to the next in line, expecting just anyone to fulfill a role only you may intrinsically know? Not everyone is fit for every job, including yourself! It’s okay to feel your way through things, to determine at length who is right to work with, rather than making due with what’s in front of you. Explore your community, seek out those who may be more like minded than you initially expected.
Are you keeping busy, Libra? Are you making sure to take care of yourself as well as everyone else around you? Now is an excellent time to do a little mental check-in for your own well being, structuring your day to day with plenty of time to self care. There will always be time to go back and play matchmaker to your surroundings, but it all has to start with a balanced You. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself and your own accomplishments; you are just as much a mirror to others as they are to you.
How are you getting along with people lately, Scorpio? Have you felt any shakeups recently in your personal connections? It’s a good time to be mindful of any potential arguments, sure, but an even better time to really sit down and find out what needs evolving rather than exploding. You’re the natural psychoanalyzer, don’t get me wrong, but see if there are any other areas of your life you’ve yet to explore in that sense. Is your core belief systems or personal philosophies doing well? Do you have old beliefs that may have served you in childhood, maybe not doing so hot in your adult life? It’s okay to change things around again; you are naturally excellent at doing so.
This might be a tough time for you now, Sag! You’re deep in transition right now, on a really personal level, so please make sure you are being kind to yourself (and those around you!). It can be very stressful to shed your old skin, your own understanding of yourself, it’s probably pretty heavily on your daily thoughts. Feel your way through the dark spots, Sag, be kind to yourself and don’t put up with any modicum of bully-like people in your life right now. You deserve to be treated well, even if you prefer not to talk about what you’re going through.
Be mindful of how you are at home, Capricorn! You might be a little extra clumsy in the coming weeks with the excess energy pushing you out of your comfortable zen space. Time to shake up the cobwebs of your mountain range and maybe even redecorate. You could be looking to move house and home in the near future, as well, so make sure all those needed ends are well planned out (with extra plans ‘just in case’). Keep a good balance of your own planning and being open to the thoughts of others; they might just lead you to some interesting avenues.
Dear Aquarius! Your mind is changing, isn’t it? How do you value yourself? What do you value in life? Has it been too cynical in the past? Has it served you in previous lifetimes? …Does it still? The world is changing, and it can be hard to keep the bigger picture in mind sometimes, especially when we become comfortable with fighting against the majority’s opinion (for good reason). But because of that changing nature, it’s time to shake loose some old morality, see things from a new perspective again. You were always so incredibly talented at that.
Business might be booming right now, Pisces! But don’t let the glamour of the world truly dictate who you are as a person, no matter how convincing they come across. You empathize so strongly it can often feel like you are experiencing the same thing as everyone else; but remember, it is their own feeling, not yours. Remember to spend some time decompressing from the energy of everyone else, find out your own personal story, and you’ll be amazed at how different it might be.
written by elysse