Frequency and the Universe

If we could find the actual frequency of our own universe, it would make us able to, as with a radio, tune into and witness the other parallel universes.
Frequency is something we are familiar with and use daily whether we know it or not. 101.1 FM or 103.1 FM radio stations are the numeric frequencies of the radio waves being broadcast by those stations 101.1 Hertz and 103.1Hertz (or Hz). Cell phones are 900 to 1900 Mega Hertz. The colour red is 400 to 480 Tera Hertz. (Hertz means radio frequency equal to one cycle per second Mega is equal to one million Tera is equal to one billion )
As well as building telescopes and satellites for exploring and enriching our knowledge of the mysteries of the universe, we should invest in inventing an instrument that could isolate and interpret our universe’s frequency in varying ways. We do this already by building telescopes that look at our galaxy in different frequency wave lengths ( infrared, x-ray microwave etc.) that are not visible to the naked eye. That breakthrough broadened our view and knowledge immensely on what was previously invisible.
One of the most persistent and mysterious discoveries is the observation of a thing called FRACTALS. They are similar patterns that occur at progressively smaller scales as well as gigantic ones such as galaxies and everything in between. Fractals make sense of what seems to be random patterns and shows them instead to have consistency.
To further explain this fractal phenomenon consider the following:
Let’s take the simple image of the pattern produced by a heart monitor called an ECG (electro cardiac graph); a long ascending line with short, zig-zag like jumps up and down. Currently, fractal observations of that simple pattern reveals tiny, very complex patterns. Those patterns differ between those with healthy versus those with unhealthy hearts. These observations are now being used to predict future heart complications.
We have expanded an ECG pattern from a heart monitor and revealed that what once seemed like a straight line is instead made up of micro variations. Perhaps any wave length that is expanded would reveal its fractal pattern. That expanded wavelength pattern may mean that we have a key to a new interpretation of the universe.
Fractal interpretation of the frequency of our universe could be an answer to many questions about the nature and existence of Parallel Universes. Today, most scientists consider parallel universes to be an uncomfortable, albeit real aspect of reality, no longer science fiction; science fact.
Using fractal analysis of the frequencies of our universe may be the Rosetta stone of astrophysics.
(The Rosetta Stone was an artifact discovered in 1790 A.D. It had inscriptions on it that led to the ability of scholars, who were stumped by Egyptian hieroglyphics to decipher them therefore greatly enriching our knowledge of the ancient Egyptian civilization).
Stay tuned and check back as I will be expanding on my interpretation of how we exist in Parallel Universes… very exciting!