Boredom is incredibly productive. That’s where the magic is born.
It’s the avoidance of the fear of the boredom that is so destructive to the work.
For as long as I can remember I have been avoiding feeling or processing anything. Checking out via food, drink, and social media.
Refusing to either DO or BE.
The Silence of Being harvests our deepest Desires, Gifts, and Intuitions.
Take Inspired Action spurred from that Be-ing.
Anxiety is merely repressed energy. The energy of passion. When we do not express our creative passion it ferments and parades as anxiety.
To feel the fear is to heal it. To free the shackled mind.
In feeling the fear, it is given the permission to be transmuted into the joy of Freedom. The joy of Love.
Be in the Pain. Let out the Beast.
Release that Mother Fucker.
written by cassidy, painted by ailis, photographed by berkley