What we know with current science about the universe we occupy is 4% of the entire scope of what it really is. The 96% of the universe that we cannot currently observe is comprised of Dark Matter (27%), and Dark Energy (69%). We know that Dark Matter exists by the observation of its effect on light, and the gravity of the matter that surrounds it. The real mind bender is that astronomers have not been able to see, nor detect Dark Matter.
The acceptance of the presence of Dark Matter is similar to the acceptance of Einstein’s theory of gravity’s ability to bend light. It was not accepted at the time, however, after observing an eclipse, we were able to see the light of the non visible stars from behind the sun. The light bent around the sun by force of gravity; thus proving Einstein’s theory. Due to their own observation of dark matter’s pervasive effect on the universe, astronomers must, therefore, accept that it exists.
The current scientific consensus theorizes that from ‘nothing,’ the Big Bang occurred, and into that ‘nothingness,’ our universe was born.
I believe that the so called ‘nothingness’ was actually Dark Matter. The energy of the Big Bang expanded into the Dark Matter, accelerated it, and pushed it aside in all directions. With little or no resistance, but with its own unique properties, Dark Matter became the MATRIX (the environment in which something develops), and perhaps the beginning of our universe. Dark Matter held the Big Bang’s energy, expanded with it, and became the fabric of our universe. The properties of the fabric of Dark Matter are time, space, and gravity. Gravity is simply the resistance of this fabric to being displaced by the now forming planets, and stars, etc.
I believe that these properties of time, space, and the resulting gravity may just be unique to this universe.
Perhaps Dark Matter is simply that which was there before the Big Bang, and is that which our universe was born into.
written by paul