It’s getting witchy over here
Hello, and Happy New Year!
CASSIDYALEXA has been blessed to add Astrologer Elysse to our roster of fabulous beings.
Just for fun, she whipped us up a forecast based on our mission statement, and the time and date of our company’s birth!
Check back each month for your sign’s monthly horoscope, and other fun readings!
Thank you, Elysse!

First thing I see is a big KITE formation in the chart’s aspects. This means the energy is going somewhere, has purpose and is in flight! The arms of the kite are
made up by Neptune (a dream), the Moon (emotional purpose), Mars (drive/ambition) and Jupiter (philosophy and luck, expansion!) together, and topped off by
the Sun (presence, the idea itself), Venus (aesthetic, value and charm), and Pluto (deep, intense meaning and power to transform).
Those are very strong types of energy to hold up a project like this. The main arms of the kite (Neptune, Moon, Mars/Jupiter) are all in water signs, meaning
there is a lot of emotional steam here, empathy and heart holding up the kite’s reaching top, which is in an earth sign (stability, roundedness, hardworking and
The beauty of the Earth qualities this kite is pushing into the world, have a lot of other influences helping things along. Like Saturn (structure, boundaries and
learning curve), which brings long term commitment and stability, something to work on over a long period of time. The energy of Lilith is also here, meaning it
might rub some people the wrong way, but as any independent, inherently strong energy does! Lilith is a forerunner for powerful change by way of ‘I’m doing it
myself, screw what society “thinks” I should be doing’, carving her own path.
All these grounded planets and energies in an Earth sign are good for long term projects, and are all happily placed in the 10th house of public image, career
and purpose! Excellent for a work-related idea.
Mercury, the planet representing the mind and thought behind it all, is in fiery Sagittarius, at home in it’s 9th house of higher learning, following big dreams and
ideas, and being open minded to go with the flow and learn as it runs.
I see Chiron, planet of deep wounds that lead to deep, purifying healing through the sharing of said healing, is situated in the first house. The first house is the
‘face’ of the project, the ‘self’, if you will. In the watery, collective sign of Pisces, this is a great example of the healing aspect, offering a platform to many
different walks of life, opening empathy up to those creative souls that may not have had another space or even felt acknowledged before. Chiron is in a square
aspect (frictional, purpose-driven and ambitious) with Mercury, so the drive and aggression needed to really put the mind to work and help the wounded side of
Chiron in the world is great for a large project such as this.
Over in the second house of values, Uranus is closely sitting with Pallas. Uranus represents an unorthodox approach, thinking outside the box and pushing
boundaries to explore something new. Uranus is also retrograde, meaning it’s chaotic nature is turned more inward, more introverted and thoughtful, perhaps
thinking a little more before leaping. And with Pallas there, the planet to do with pattern recognition, strategy and high levels of intelligence and understanding,
a psychic intuition, these two are beautifully paired to work together for innovative creativity. They make a trine (positive, flowing energy) to Mercury, and a
frictional square aspect to Pluto. To me this is like saying Uranus is egging and coaxing the transformative energy of Pluto onward, creating energy as it goes-
which is excellent for a project of this nature!

Alone in the third house of communication and minor projects, another Lilith energy sits, also retrograde and turned more introverted. I imagine the many
projects that will encompass and work within this project will have much to say about social rights, climate of the world and personal stories of deep and intense
natures. A beautiful thing to see in an area of communication.
The Cancer Moon in the fourth house of home and foundation seems to say that there is real heart behind this project, that it comes from a place of deeply felt
emotion, something relatable to the world. It is truly the driving force behind this whole project, giving a storm for the kite to fly within.
The North Node, the soul direction of this whole project, is sitting in the shining sign of Leo, closely conjunct by the nurturing energy of Ceres. This seems to
say that the project is very personal, and yet bringing the collective turmoil into a single point, a place of warmth and safety to be expressed in the creative fifth
house that it sits in! Ceres there, bringing an extra boost of nurturing, compassionate nature to take care of and soften the hardship and happiness that will
surely come up.
With that placement, it means the South Node of the past, the place this all comes from, is sitting in the societal sign of Aquarius, so it’s likely that a large part
of, if not all humanity is on the mind when it comes to this project’s start. Juno, planet of commitment, loyalty and promise sits closely by, perhaps giving the
South Node someone to back it up, whether that’s from friends and community, or the call from somewhere in the collective group.
Part of Fortune is sitting in the sixth house of daily work and routine, close to the Descendant, which means that there is an innate sense of organization to all
this intense energy, beautifully laid out and easy to navigate and grow for anyone who might want to interact with it.
The vertex, a point of fated meetings, sits in the social seventh house, also in the hardworking, detail oriented sign of Virgo. It’s very likely that those who wish
to work with this energy will easily find themselves coming upon it by poetic chance.
Mars and Jupiter are sitting in the eighth house shared energy, intense emotional navigation and personal power, as well as sitting as the equal natured sign of
Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio is very ambitious, extremely determined to do what needs to be done, whether that’s digging to the root of a problem or pursuing a
dream until they are sleeping like a baby. With Jupiter there as well, the guru master of whatever sign it sits in, gives this connection a feeling of psychological
understanding and a real drive to heal the darkest depths of any soul. The beautiful planet Vesta is also in this house, silently watching and keeping the flame lit
throughout the years, loyal to the very end. A deeply promising place for Vesta, as it is the endless devotional energy needed for a long term type of project.
Now we skip over to the twelfth house of subconscious, collective energy. This house is deeply felt under the surface, and is somewhere one should always
look when wanting to understand how the individual energy connects to the rest of the world. Neptune is here, which is a planet very at home in it’s ruling
house, sitting in the same shared energy of Pisces. This is a comfortable place for Neptune, knowing just how to translate the unspoken thoughts, dreams and
feelings of everyone, even if they weren’t aware it was there in the first place. The aspect that stands out most to me here is the square to Mercury- meaning
that it will sometimes be hard to put words to the nebulous feelings and imagination of Neptune’s desire. There may be some illusory things to work out, but
with Mercury in the philosophical sign of Sagittarius, it’s likely these mutable energies can find a mutual language to express themselves with.

written by elysse