Hello, Darlings! We’ve only got a little sliver left of January, but our brand new Astrologer Elysse is here to give you some insight into what you might expect and how to navigate the remainder of the month.
I know you will enjoy. Happy reading!

You’re gonna feel jazzed up this month, like you’ve burst out the gate and are gunning for all kinds of new, passionate experiences. You’re exploring life in a new way, maybe even applying all that’s been stewing behind the scenes in this past year. Be mindful not to overdo it, as you might end up with a few more bruises than usual. It’s okay to slow down and direct all that fiery energy into something productive, whether it’s your job or a new hobby, a new study plan or even a new look. There’s a lot of high intensity energy coming your way, probably filled with a few ups and downs. Just remember to be kind to yourself as well as those closest to you; they’ll refuel your tank when you’re started feeling burnt out.

This month might feel like a calm before the storm, Taurus. There is a lot at work just beneath your steady surface, and you might sometimes feel like something’s got to give. But there are beautiful things on the horizon, full of frightening change, but so incredibly worth it. Your understanding of what you’re worth is really going to be highlighted in the coming days; pay attention to what you share and how you love those you’re closest with; it’s a beautiful reflection of all the good you bring into our world. You deserve to know that to your core. Expect things to start shaking up, giving you new opportunity to embrace yourself and everything you offer. You are so worth it.

Dear Gemini. You are so worth it. You’ve probably spent a lot of time this past year going through a lot of breakups, redefining your boundaries and really getting to know the nitty gritty of what you mean to not just your closest friends, but to yourself. It might feel a bit like you’re lonely in a crowd, but all this extra space is giving you a rebellious chance to explore avenues you may never have had the option of before. Break free from old patterns, and you might just find your world around you changing.

It can be hard, Cancer, going through the motions of feeling like the world is against you. That all your partnerships are letting it all hang out and show off their true colours. But the worst is behind you, if you know where to look. You know now what you don’t want in your life, who you don’t want to be anymore, what aspects of life was drawing in the old and beaten. You have a soft spot for the troubled, my dear Cancer, but that doesn’t mean you get to neglect yourself. And as luck would have it, you’re coming up on a month of coming out of your shell with the understanding that you are so, so wonderful. You know where to direct your energy, how to love your life and handle those tough situations. When you play therapist for all your friends, you end up amassing a lot of beautiful knowledge on how to best take care of the self!

Leo, you might be getting a lot more in touch with your dreamer side this month. The parts of you that you maybe left behind a long time ago, the more creative, childish energy that you naturally embody on a daily basis. Life has been touch and go this past year, and maybe even your health has been in deep question. Whether it’s a new lifestyle change, or just how you connect your daily habits to your mental health, it’s a great time to look into your inner workings. This might also be a time you start meeting more people, networking like crazy! Just be mindful that although we all love and adore you, not everyone is going to be a permanent fixture in your life. Keep an open mind to those who’s stories are playing along side your own; it’s okay to share the stage with an entire cast of colourful characters.

Oh Virgo, you are hot in your relationships right now. Hopefully in a good way! Channel that excess energy into loving care and devotion, as you do often know best. Your friendships might be in quite a serious tone right now, and hopefully there’s been some new understanding of boundaries and how to keep them healthy with not just your partnerships, but also your own creative energy. Don’t feel like just because you know the easiest way to get something done, that you can’t bring in other empathic minds; sometimes an outside look can provide the most useful intel for your own vision. Partnerships of all kinds are beneficial for you this month, and for varying reasons. Have some fun in exploring what each one means to you.

Oh Libra, there’s a lot happening for you right now, huh? A lot going behind those closed doors that maybe have you putting on a brave face in your daily life. But remember, your friends are here to help you; and if anyone knows how to facilitate a peaceful relationship, it’s you! Remember, your sign isn’t just about passively keeping the peace- it’s about justice in the face of unfairness, steadfast understanding and maturity to deal with even the most difficult of communicators. Take care to explore the bigger picture in things- talk about it! Talk with anyone who seems interested; you might just find new insight that you’ve never come across before. It might just help your image.

Boundaries have been tough lately, huh Scorpio? Not just in knowing how to artfully deal with external relationships, but really getting to know what you need for yourself. And not only that, but communicating it to others without being too aggressive. The pain of betrayal can sting like a b*tch, but let those feelings out whole heartedly- you will be intensely surprised at who you find yourself becoming once you have. You’re about get plenty of new opportunity to explore just what you mean to yourself, to apply all the hardship learning you’ve gained over the past few months. And never forget; healing takes time, but the results are stunningly beautiful.

Sag. you are flying out of the box right now! The past few months may have felt like you were chomping at the bit – some of you may still be feeling that. But your time to shine bright is here, and it needs all the self love and compassion you can muster. The sky is alight with fiery energy right now, so make sure you’re not knocking people over in your excitement. You’re here learning the true value of your emotional nature; not everyone has the capacity for endless optimisim like you do! And in a time of many hard issues coming to light, we need more of your energy in our lives than some of us may realize. Value yourself, love your friends and cherish the life you’re living.

– Oh this has been a tough month for you, Capricorn. Your season isn’t always an easy one, especially in these past few months and years- but that also means you’re effectively grinding away in the spiritual gym. You have no idea yet how strong you’re becoming! One thing to remember as you trudge through this obstacle course, is that there are people around you who love and support you- who are more than willing to help build that foundation you cherish. You need only seek them out, and they will flock to you. You provide that natural stability, the assurity that no matter how hard it gets, we’ll make it through. Be gentle with yourself and let that assurance cover you, as well.

You’re probably feeling like busting out of the gate, Aquarius! There’s a lot going on inside you right now Aqua, and for good reason. You’re the type to be so wholely committed to a cause that it can take some real soul defining moments to redirect that beautifully encompassing energy you possess. It’s okay to talk about all the chaos that’s going on in your soul; if anything, it might help shed some light on the matter! You’re finding your place in this big, wide world again, and though it might seem strange, your heart will have some incredibly insightful direction for you. Trust what you feel; emotional depth is some of the scariest, yet most rewarding experiences this life has to offer. Let it surprise you.

The world sure seems like a crazy place lately, doesn’t it? You’ve really been finding out who belongs in that inner circle of yours, Pisces, and that’s okay! Your ability to befriend and care about anyone on this big ol’ world, is your greatest treasure. Don’t let it be used and abused; we can see from our planet’s state of being that constant use and care doesn’t always reap the best results. You know your worth; you see it in everyone you care about. Every ounce of love you feel for others is really what you embody yourself, and you would do well to remind yourself of that at least once a day. The more you hone in on how to treasure yourself, the more you’ll find that the world treasures you right back.
Check back February 1st for next month’s Horoscopes!
written by elysse
images from momstrology